CS 412: Linear Programming and Convex Optimzation

Professor Sean Warnick

Course Description

Design of algorithms to make decisions in complex, uncertain environment.


MIT OCW 6.241, 6.245
"A Course in Robust Control Theory," by Dullerud and Paganini
"Feedback Control Theory," by Doyle, Francis, and Tannenbaum
Supplemental text:
"Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers," by Astrom and Murray

Typical Schedule

Week 1 Reading Assigned Due
Th Course overview, introduction to dynamical systems and control

Week 2 Reading Assigned Due
T Linear Algebra Review 6.241 Chapter 1 HW 1
Th Linear Algebra Review 6.241 Chapter 1

Week 3 Reading Assigned Due
T Least squares (overdetermined systems) 6.241 Chapter 2 HW 2 HW 1
Th Least squares (underdetermined systems) 6.241 Chapter 3

Week 4 Reading Assigned Due
T Matrix norms, SVD 6.241 Chapter 4 HW 3 HW 2
Th Matrix perturbations 6.241 Chapter 5

Week 5 Reading Assigned Due
T State space models 6.241 Chapters 6, 7, 8; Astrom & Murray Chapters 4, 5 HW 4 HW 3
Th Solutions of state space models 6.241 Chapters 10-11; Astrom & Murray Chapters 4, 5

Week 6 Reading Assigned Due
T Similarity transformations, modes of LTI systems, Laplace transform, transfer functions 6.241 Chapter 12; Astrom & Murray Chapter 8 HW 5 HW 4
Th Stability, Lyapounov methods 6.241 Chapters 13, 14

Week 7 Reading Assigned Due
T External I/O stability, storage functions 6.241 Chapter 15 HW 6 HW 5
Th Interconnected systems, I/O stability 6.241 Chapter 17

Week 8 Reading Assigned Due
T No Class HW 7
Th System norms 6.241 Chapter 16 HW 6

Week 9 Reading Assigned Due
T Performance measure in feedback control 6.241 Chapter 18 HW 8 HW 7
Th Small gain theorem, stability robustness 6.241 Chapter 19

Week 10 Reading Assigned Due
T MIMO stability robustness 6.241 Chapters 20, 21 HW 9 HW 8
Th Reachability 6.241 Chapter 22

Week 11 Reading Assigned Due
T Reachability: standard and canonical forms, modal tests 6.241 Chapter 23 HW 10 HW 9
Th Observability 6.241 Chapter 24

Week 12 Reading Assigned Due
T Minimality, realization, Kalman decomposition, model reduction 6.241 Chapter 25 HW 11 HW 10
Th State feedback, observers, ouput feedback, MIMO poles and zeros 6.241 Chapters 26, 27, 28, 29

Week 13 Reading Assigned Due
T Minimality of interconnections, pole/zero cancellations 6.241 Chapter 30 TBD HW 11
Th Parameterization of all stabilizing controllers Dullerud and Paganini

Week 14 Reading Assigned Due
T Optimal control synthesis: problem setup Dullerud and Paganini TBD TBD
Th H2 Optimization Dullerud and Paganini

Week 14 Reading Assigned Due
T H Optimization Dullerud and Paganini TBD
Th Reading Day - No Class


Grades are by the following distribution and scale:

  • Homework 50%
  • Project 25%
  • Final Exam 25%

100-93 A 93-90 A- 90-87 B+
87-83 B 83-80 B- 90-77 C+
77-73 C 73-70 C- 70-67 D+
67-63 D 63-60 D- 60-0 E

We reserve the right to curve grades in your favor. The University policies on UW and I grades will be strictly followed.


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