Mackey Wilson, Sean Lane, and Jacob Brewer Named IDeA Labs Scholars

January 4, 2016

With the begining of a new semester, a new set of IDeA Labs Scholars were named. This semester, Mackenzie Wilson (Math ‘18), Sean Lane (Computer Science ‘16), and Jacob Brewer (Computer Science ‘16) all received the award. The IDeA Labs scholarship is a full tuition scholarship given to undergraduates who have demonstrated an exceptional propensity for research and who are role models to their peers.

Mackey has interests in politics and great stories; her research explores the structure of narrative and computational tools to identify event streams from text. Sean is interested in software enginnering and mathematics and has played a lead architect role developing a situational awareness tool for the Department of Homeland Security. Jacob is interested in finance and has used the BYU Supercomputer to explore how the shape of the order book for any particular stock may influence the evolution of its bid-ask spread (or price). Both Sean and Jacob are graduating seniors who have turned down other great offers to pursue a Ph.D. in IDeA Labs starting Fall 2016.